Augustus loop fx loop, Introduction, Using the fx loops – Expert Sleepers Augustus Loop v2.3.0 User Manual
Page 36

Augustus Loop Fx Loop
The normal Augustus Loop configuration is a stereo or mono-to-stereo plug-in. As of ver-
sion 1.8.0, another configuration is also available; known as Augustus Loop Fx Loop, it’s a
6-in 6-out plug-in.
The 6 inputs and output are arranged as 3 stereo pairs. (At this point it may help to refer to
earlier in this manual.)
The first stereo pairs (inputs 1&2 and outputs 1&2) are the regular inputs and outputs that
the stereo plug-in configuration has. The remaining pairs are “effects loops” (aka fx loops).
Inputs/outputs 3&4 are the “Pre-Write Fx Loop”. This lets you process the audio just be-
fore it’s written to the tape.
Inputs/outputs 5&6 are the “Pre-Sat Fx Loop”. This lets you process the audio after it’s
been played back from the tape, just before it enters the saturation and filtering section.
Using the Fx Loops
The fx loops are disabled by default. To access the controls to en-
able them, click on the little ‘More’ button just above the Delay
Time controls.
This hides the central Delay Time and Delay Level sections and
replaces them with controls for the fx loops.
There are two iden-
tical sets of controls,
one for each fx loop.
The ‘Enable’ button
enables the fx loop -
i.e. audio will be
sent out to and re-
ceived from the relevant inputs and outputs only when this button is pressed.
The remaining two controls relate to the compensation for the fx loop latency in the loop
delay time. When the audio is routed through the fx loops it usually encounters a slight
delay, simply because of how digital audio applications work. This therefore affects the
time between when a signal enters the plug-in, and when it (after coming off the tape)