Delayslider( x, y, w, h, orient, u, v, du, dv ), Control:setvisible( v ), Control:isvisible() – Expert Sleepers Augustus Loop v2.3.0 User Manual
Page 49: Control:setstate( v ), Control:getstate(), Valuedisplay(), Valuedisplay:setcolour( r, g, b, a ), Valuedisplay:setposition( id, x, y, w, h ), Levelmeters( texture, u, v, w, h )

delaySlider( x, y, w, h, orient, u, v, du, dv )
Creates Augustus Loop’s slider that controls the delay time. The parameters correspond to
those of the ‘slider’ function.
control:setVisible( v )
Sets the visibility of the control (where ‘control’ is a knob, button, slider etc.). The parame-
ter ‘v’ should be a boolean value (i.e. true or false). E.g.
theWaveformDisplay:setVisible( false )
Returns whether the control is visible or not. E.g.
local v = theWaveformDisplay:isVisible()
control:setState( v )
Sets the state of the control (where ‘control’ is a knob, button, slider etc.). Not all controls
define a state; for these controls the function is ignored. The parameter ‘v’ should be a boo-
lean value (i.e. true or false). E.g.
toggleWaveformButton:setState( false )
Returns the state of the control. E.g.
local v = toggleWaveformButton:getState()
Creates a GUI object that displays certain values (see below).
valueDisplay:setColour( r, g, b, a )
Sets the colour used by a valueDisplay object to draw its values. E.g.
local theValueDisplay = valueDisplay()
theValueDisplay:setColour( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
valueDisplay:setPosition( id, x, y, w, h )
Sets the position of one of the valueDisplay’s values. ‘id’ should be one of "Tempo",
"DelayTime", "DelayBeats" and "EnvLevel". E.g.
theValueDisplay:setPosition( "Tempo", x, y+kSmallIndicatorSpace, 48, 12 )
levelMeters( texture, u, v, w, h )
Creates a GUI object that draws level meters, using the provided texture.