Digilent 410-280P-KIT User Manual
Page 7

chipKIT DP32
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User LEDs: Pins 11 (LD4), 12 (LD3), 13 (LD2) and 14 (LD1) is shared between the through-hole
connection and the LED. Driving the pin high turns the LED on, driving it low turns it off.
User Buttons: Pins 1 (BTN2/PGM) and 17 (BTN3) is shared between a through-hole connection and a
push button. Pushing the button drives the input high. Releasing it brings the input low.
External Interrupts: Only INT0 is hard-mapped on the microcontroller. It is connected to pin 1. The
other external interrupts are accessible via PPS described below.
Reset: The Reset button is utilized to bring the MCLR pin low on the microcontroller, thus restarting
the currently loaded sketch. If the user wishes to reprogram the device, it is necessary to first hold
down BTN2/PGM, and then press the reset button. This forces the microcontroller to default to the
boot loader.
Peripheral Pin Select:
An advanced feature of the PIC32MX1xx/2xx families of microcontrollers is the ability to re-map the
locations of peripheral devices. This advanced feature is available only in MPLAB IDE or MPLAB X.
PPS Assigned Peripherals:
Output Compare: Pin 8 (OC1), Pin 2 (OC2), Pin 3 (OC3), Pin 13 (OC4), Pin 6 (OC5). Output compare
allows for the implementation of PWM signals.
Input Capture: Pin 6 (IC1), Pin 11 (IC2), Pin 2 (IC3), Pin 14 (IC4), Pin 13 (IC5). Input capture allows
for the synchronization of timers with captured signals, along with the execution of interrupts.
External Timer Input: Pin 18 (TCK1), Pin 14 (TCK2), Pin 12 (TCK3), Pin 6 (TCK4), Pin 3 (TCK5)
allows for timers to be clocked from external sources.
External Interrupt: Pin 3 (INT1), Pin 13 (INT2), Pin 2 (INT3), Pin 17 (INT4) allows for external
interrupts to be triggered in their own ISRs. Interrupts may be edge triggered or level triggered, though
only one of rising, falling, high, or low, may be chosen for trigger sensitivity.
Change Notice Pins: All change notice pins are matched with their chipKIT pin numbers (e.g. CN0 is
associated with Pin 0). There is a change notice pin for each I/O pin.
UART: Pin 14 (U1TX), Pin 6 (U1RX), Pin 7 (U2TX) and Pin 10 (U2RX) are used to implement UART
peripheral controls. Unlike other chipKIT boards, the USB Serial communication is not implemented
using a UART controller.
SPI: Synchronous serial port. Pin 9 (SS), Pin 18 (MOSI), Pin 7 (SCK), Pin 10 (MISO). This uses SPI1
on the PIC32 Microcontroller. The second SPI is implemented as Pin 14 (SS), Pin 2 (MOSI), Pin 13
(MISO), and Pin 8 (SCK).