D.A.S. Audio Aero 40A Rigging User Manual
Page 37

Meaning of parameter DELTA EASE Focus 2:
The delta parameter marks the angle NEEDED to reach the desired angle in our system
(View [°]). This information is useful ONLY when the system is flown from a single POINT.
Imagine a system of 8 units hanging 11 meters high.
The desired angle is: View [°] -15°
As shown in the image, Delta [º] -0.62º
This means that to reach the desired -15 º, we are lacking 0.62º
when the system is flown at the point 15.
If the delta sign
this indicates that we are lacking
0.62 downwards.
If the delta sign
means that we are lacking
degrees upwards.
is negative (-),
is positive (+), this
Angle criteria of delta
Now, we consider the opposite case.
This is the same system hanging from a single point. 8 aero 40A units.
The desired angle: View [°] -12°
In this case Delta [º] is 0.74
This means that if we hang the system from point 14 we
lack tilt up 0.74º to reach the desired -12º.
Manual de Colgado
40 / Rigging Manual
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