Comtrol RocketPort Series Device Driver for the SCO UnixWare 7 User Manual

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RocketPort® Series Device Driver for the SCO UnixWare 7 Operating System Software Installation Card

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Each port can be remapped to different rates, and you
can remap more than one rate for a given port. For

/dev/term/r0a 300 115200

/dev/term/r0A 300 76800

/dev/term/r0A 1200 230400


Reboot the system, or execute /comtrol/rckt/baud.init for
immediate change. The rates will be remapped each
time the system is rebooted.


Use the normal tty administrative procedure to set the
port to the system rate. The remapped rate is used

Terminal Sessions in UnixWare 7

The following procedure is a step-by-step example of how
to enable login services and log in under UnixWare 7.
Adapt this procedure as needed.

Enabling Login Services

This example enables port r0a for direct connection at
38,400 baud.


Connect a null modem cable from RocketPort Board 1,
Port 0, to the modem port of a dumb terminal.


Set the terminal modem port baud rate to 38400, 8
data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. If needed, reinitialize
the terminal so that it is using the new settings.


Enter this command to create a port monitor named

/comtrol/rckt/addttymon rckttest


Enter this command to create port service:

/comtrol/rckt/addttysrv rckttest r0a 38400_8N


From the terminal, enter your login name and
password. If you get gibberish in response, check the
terminal baud rate setting and verify that it matches
the baud rate setting on the server port. If you get an
intelligible response but still can’t log in, check the
parity and data bits settings.

To see the current settings for the RocketPort port,
enter this command on the system console:

stty -a < /dev/term/r0a


From the terminal, move around the system and open
files to verify that everything is working correctly.
Access the /sbin/dcu utility to verify that the system is
interpreting ASCII control sequences correctly.


When you are finished, type exit and log out.

Transparent Print

The transparent print feature enables users to attach a
printer to the auxiliary port available on most video
display terminals. Data can then be directed from the host
through the terminal to the printer, without disturbing the
normal keyboard entry and terminal display functions. In
effect, this enables you to attach two devices—a terminal
and a printer—to one port. You may assign a printer name
to the port using a print spool facility and use it as any
other output-only device.

Basic Setup

Follow these basic steps to set up transparent print:


Using a null modem cable, attach a printer to the
auxiliary port on the terminal.


Create and edit the /comtrol/rckt/tprint.cfg file to
configure the tprint port.


Run /comtrol/rckt/psetup -t to invoke test mode and
verify the statements in tprint.cfg without updating the

If the test fails, return to Step 2.

When the test results are error-free, proceed to Step 4.


Run /comtrol/rckt/psetup to inform the driver of the new


Enable the terminal for logins.


You may now redirect output to the printer via the
tprint port device name.

For more information, see the following discussions.


Each printer device must be described in the tprint.cfg file.
This description consists of a group of statements which
describe the characteristics of the terminal and printer
used. Each statement consists of a keyword/parameter pair
in the form, keyword=parameter.

See your hardware owner’s manuals for information
regarding the statements required by your printer.

tprint.cfg statements consist of up to five lines for each port
