Installing modems on the serial ports, Install modems on the rocketport usb serial hub, Installing modems using the serial hu – Comtrol RocketPort USB Serial or Modem Hub Driver Installation with Windows 98 User Manual

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Installing Modems on the Serial Ports


Installing Modems on the Serial Ports

The RocketPort USB Serial Hub can support any asynchronous serial modem for use by any application that
uses Windows 98 COM ports.

Follow these steps to install and configure modems on the RocketPort USB Serial Hub.


Connect the modem(s) to the desired port(s).


Power up the modem(s).


Open the Control Panel window and double-click on the Modems icon.

If you have previously installed a modem on this system, the following screen appears. Select the Add

If you have not previously installed a modem on this system, go to the next step.