Wall mounting unit specification – RCA 40LA45RQ User Manual

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Wall Mounting Unit Specification


VESA 400



M6 sorews, length 14mm

400 mm

200 mm


A. The wall mount Is not oontalned In the aooessorles sold with television. We only provide the Installing speeltloatlons but not the

wall mount Itself. If you need the mount, please oonsult with the looal dealer for a VESA wall mount.

B. We strongly suggest to set the wall mount with equipments of speolfloatlon we ordered. If not, Inappropriate Installing may

oause damage to devloe or people.



Do not set up the wall mount by yourself. Please oontaot qualified professionals for Installation.

The TV should not be mounted on walls or surfaoes whioh have an angle more than 10 degrees with vertloal direetlon.

Otherwise the TV set may fall.

The walls for mounting must have enough strength to hold the whole weight of TV set. For example, oonorete wall and brlokwork

are eligible. Do not plaoe the mount on soft walls suoh as earth walls and plasterboard.

If spare parts of different speeltloatlons (suoh as serews) are used during mounting, oonsult with qualified professionals to make

sure these parts are safe and effeetive.

Before attaohlng the base to wall, ensure the holes for anehors are In keeping with the Installing rules. Otherwise there may exist

some potential problems.

Do not plaoe any heating souroe under your television. Or else. It oan oause fire.

Do not plaoe the TV near anything dripping. Transduoers and high voltage wires should be kept far away from the apparatus too.

Or else. It may oause oreepage, eleotrlo shook or bad resonanoe.

Do not plaoe TV In a looatlon where oolllslon or vibration Is liable to happen.

In order to avoid unexpeoted falling of the TV set, do not put any strong foroe on TV or wall mount after Installing.

10. Be sure to unplug the TV before Installing. Keep anything hard or sharp away from the soreen panel to prevent the soufflng.

11. After Installing, If there Is any need to move the oablnet, please oontaot the qualified professionals.