Remote control instruotions, Inserting batteries in the remote, Remote control reception angle – RCA 40LA45RQ User Manual

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Remote Control Instruotions

Inserting Batteries in the Remote

Remove the cover of battery cabin on the back of the remote control by lifting the cover.

Insert two AAA batteries, making sure the polarities (+ and -) are aligned correctly.

Place the cover back.

If the remote control does not work, check these points:


• Are the polarities (+, -) correct?

• Used batteries should be recycled.

• Are the batteries worn out?

• Keep out of children’s reach.

• Is there an AC power failure?

• DO NOT use new and old batteries together.

• Is the power cord plugged in?

• Change both the batteries at the same time.

• Is there any interference or block near the remote

• When not using the remote control for a long time,

control sensor?

remove the batteries from the unit.

Remote Control Reception Angle

Use your remote control within the distance and angle range shown below.