Composite video connection, Back panel connections – RCA 40LA45RQ User Manual

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Back Panel Connections

Connecting AV Composite device (Good Video Quality)

To connect an composite AV device, such as a DVD piayer, foliow these steps:

1. Connect the Video In jack on the back of TV to the video output jacks of device via video cabie (yeiiow).

2. Connect the AUDIO-IN L and R jacks on the back of TV to the audio output jacks of device via audio cabie.

Notice the ieft channei jack and piugs are white and the right channel jack and plugs are red.

Note: Al/ signal belongs to oomposite video. This kind of video signal has regular good display quality.

Composite Video Connection

The picture below is an example of a connection using the composite video jack.


The output panel of other devioe