Change password, Front panel lock, Source lock – RCA 40LA45RQ User Manual

Page 29: Clear channel list, Osd menu operations

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OSD Menu Operations

Change Password

Change the password of parental menu.

Input the old password.

Input the new password.

Input the new password again to oonfirm.

Front Panel Lock

Seleot this option to blook or unblook the TV’s side panel buttons so that they oan’t be used.

Source Lock

This option allows you to look or unlook the Input souroe. The source blooked oan not be

ohosen from Input list unless you Input the oorreot parental password.

Use up/down arrow
to seleot the souroe,
press ENTER to
look or unlook It.

Clear Channel List

This option allows you to exeoute Clear Channel List funotlon.

This funotlon will reset the whole TV system to faotory default (not only reset OSD menu).