Troubleshooting – RCA 40LA45RQ User Manual

Page 35

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Can’t select a certain channel.

• The channel may be blocked or not approved In the PARENTAL Menu.

• The ohannel may be skipped In ohannel list In CHANNEL Menu. Cheek the blooklng and skipping status of ehannel.

The stereo sound performance is bad.

• It may be a weak station. Use the SOUND Menu and set Analog Sound as Mono.

A black box appears on the screen.

• Closed oaptlonlng might be on. Cheek Closed Caption In the SETUP menu. Go to page 30 for more Instruetlons.

Problems with the HDMI Connection.

• Make sure the HDMI devlee (DVD, video gamer, ete.) Is turned on and the eables are firmly eonneeted. If problems still oeeur, turn off

your devlee and reeonneet It. Reset the power by unplugging the power eord and plugging It again.

• If a “No Signal” message appears on sereen , the HDMI devlee Isn’t responding. Contaet the manufaeturer of the HDMI devlee for

further assistanee.

• If you have blaek bars on eaeh side of your pieture (whieh means the TV ean not display a full-sereen image), the devlee you eonneeted

might have a switeh or a menu option allowing you to ehange the pieture quality output that will fix this. Choose either 720p or 10801.

The Remote control doesn’t work.

• Something might be blooklng between the remote eontrol and the remote sensor on the front panel of the TV. Make sure

there is a olear path.

• The remote may not be aimed direotly at the TV.

• The batteries in the remote may be weak, dead, or installed inoorreotly. Put new batteries in the remote.

You are experiencing problems with V-Chip/Parental Controls.

• If the rating limits don’t work, you must look the settings. Go to the Main Menu (press MENU on your remote), seleot

PARENTAL to oheok the settings.

What else can I do?

If you’ve been through the Troubleshooting seotion and nothing has fixed your problem, try rebooting your TV. Note that after

a reboot, you may need to run your TV through the setup prooess again. To reboot, unplug the power eord from the wall

outlet or power strip. Keep your TV unplugged for about 5 minutes. Then plug in the TV and turn it on. See if the problem

is fixed. If the problem remains, then please visit the Customer Support Menu at www.rea.oom or updated FAQs or eontaet

RCA Customer Support at the support number provided in your Warranty eard.