Learning about remote control, Remote control buttons – RCA 40LA45RQ User Manual

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Learning about Remote Control

Remote Control Buttons

MUTE([ia:): Reduces the TV volume to its minimum ievel. Press again to restore the voiume.

POWER (d)): Turns the TV on or off.

CH.LIST: Dispiays the ohannel iist.

FAV.: Adds the ourrent ohannel to your favorite iist, or erases the ourrent ohannel from

your favorite iist (if this ohannel is a favorite ohannel already).

FAV.+ or FAV.-: Seans up or down through the ourrent favorite ohannel list.

Numeric Buttons: Use these buttons to enter numbers.

To enter a digital ohannel with a sub-ohannel, enter the main ohannel; then, press this

button to enter the sub-ohannel and press ENTER.

Recall (©): Returns to the previous ohannel.

EPG: Shows Eleotronio Program Guide (see page 20).

INPUT: Aooesses the available input ohannels (TV, AV, Component 1/2, HDMI 1/2/3, PC).

Use the arrows to highlight options, and press ENTER to seleot.

Arrows (◄/ ► /


/ ▼): Uses the four arrows to highlight different items in the TV menu or

ohange the value. The up/down arrow oan also work as CH-r/CH-

button, and the left/right arrow oan also work as VOL-ZVOL-r button.

ENTER: Enter and oonfirm button.

MENU: Aooesses the Main Menu, or return to the upper level of a sub-menu.

FREEZE : Freeze the ourrent soreen frame, press again to return to normal.

DISPLAY: Displays the Channel Bar (see page 20).

EXIT: Exits the ourrent menu or funotion.

VOL-r or VOL-: Increases or decreases the TV volume.

CH-r or CH-: Scans up or down through the current channel list. Press once to change

the channel up or down; press and hold to continue changing channels.

PICTURE: Switches between the preset picture mode (see page 21).

SOUND: Switches between the preset sound mode (see page 23).

SLEEP: Selects the sleep timer, after which the TV will shut off automatically.

ASPECT: Switches between the preset screen size mode (see page 22).

CC: Selects the closed caption.

MTS: Selects the multi-channel television sound.


: The keys not listed are for DVD control, they are not available for this TV model.


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Remote control part number RE20QP28