Cisco OL-5742-01 User Manual
Page 3

Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide
Chapter 18 Configuring SGM Security
Configuring SGM User-Based Access
Step 3
If you have already configured the type of SGM security authentication you want
to use, skip to
Otherwise, configure the type of SGM security authentication you want to use:
Local authentication allows you to create user accounts and passwords local
to the SGM system. When using this method, you can use SGM User-Based
Access commands manage user names, passwords, and access levels.
To enable local authentication, enter the following command:
# ./sgm authtype local
Solaris authentication uses standard Solaris-based user accounts and
passwords, as specified in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file. Authentication can be
provided by the local /etc/passwd file or from a distributed Network
Information Services (NIS) system. You can use all SGM User-Based Access
commands except the following commands:
sgm disablepass
sgm passwordage
sgm userpass
You must use Solaris commands, such as passwd, to manage passwords.
Users also cannot change their passwords using the SGM client. Instead, they
must manage their passwords on the external authentication servers, using
Solaris commands, such as passwd.
All new passwords take effect the next time SGM automatically synchronizes
local SGM passwords with Solaris, or you can manually synchronize
passwords at any time using the sgm syncusers command.
In addition, if you have enabled Solaris authentication, you must be logged in
as the root user, not a super user, to use the following SGM commands:
sgm adduser
sgm disableuser
sgm enableuser
sgm updateuser