Carl Goldberg GBGA1053 User Manual
The ultimate arf, Carl goldberg products, ltd, Instructions

Welcome to the world of Ultimate flying! Now that you're an experienced R/C pilot, you're ready to step up to
a higher level of aerobatic flying. And we've made sure this ARF version won't disappoint. With just the same
flight characteristics as the kitted version, you'll soon know why the Carl Goldberg Products Ultimate has
been America's favorite sport biplane since 1990.
A radio-controlled model is not a toy and is not intended for persons under 16 years old. Keep
this kit out of the reach of younger children, as it contains parts that could be dangerous. A radio-
controlled model is capable of causing serious bodily injury and property damage. It is the buyer's
responsibility to assemble this aircraft correctly and to properly install the motor, radio, and all other
equipment. Test and fly the finished model only in the presence and with the assistance of another
experienced R/C flyer. The model must always be operated and flown using great care and common
sense, as well as in accordance with the Safety Code of the Academy of Model Aeronautics
( We suggest you join the AMA and become properly insured prior to flying this
model. Also, consult with the AMA or your local hobby dealer to find an experienced instructor in your
area. Per the Federal Communications Commission, you are required to use only those radio fre-
quencies specified "for Model Aircraft."
Carl Goldberg Products, Ltd. has inspected and certified the components of this aircraft. The company urges the buyer to per-
form his own inspection, prior to assembly, and to immediately request a replacement of any parts he believes to be defective for
their intended use. The company warrants replacement of any such components, provided the buyer requests such replacement
within a period of 90 days from the date of purchase and provided the defective part is returned, if so requested by the company.
No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the company with respect to this kit. The buyer acknowledges and under-
stands that it is his responsibility to carefully assemble the finished flying model airplane and to fly it safely. The buyer hereby
assumes full responsibility for the risk and all liability for personal or property damage or injury arising out of the buyer's use of
the components of this kit.
PT. #2045 6/03
The Ultimate ARF
P.O. Box 818 Oakwood GA 30566 Phone #678-450-0085 Fax # 770-532-2163
© Copyright 2000 Carl Goldberg Products LTD.