Stab assembly – Carl Goldberg GBGA1040 User Manual

Page 4

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Trial fit the stab in place on the fuselage. Place a

piece of making tape across the fuselage in front of

were the stab mounts.

Measure across the fuselage and mark the center.


Place two strips of masking tape along the edge of

the stab, next to the both outer stab tips and above

the hinge line.

Using a T-square or triangle, draw a line from the

front center point of the stab to the rear hinge line.

Measure 9-1/2” out ("B") from each side of the cen-

terline and make a mark on the masking tape.


Measure from the marks on the stab to the polyhe-

dral breaks on the wing adjust as necessary to line

up with wing.

Mark the stab and fuse with matching line-up points.


Spread the epoxy in the joiner pockets and in the

dowel hole and spread a thin layer of epoxy along

one side of the entire center joint area.

Immediately proceed to the next step.


Working rapidly, so that the epoxy does not set

before you are finished, slide the wing joiner into

one wing pocket.

Then slide the wing halves together until they are

touching. Make sure the rear dowel slides into the

dowel hole.


With masking tape, tape the wing halves together at

the trailing edge and close to the leading edge, as

shown. This will help keep the wing from twisting.

Place additional tape at several locations across the

center seam of the wing, so that the halves stay

firmly together while the epoxy sets.

Allow the epoxy to dry thoroughly.

Note: Both outer wing tips should be about

6-3/8” off the table top.

Stab Assembly


Mount the wing on the fuselage using the rubber

bands provided

Measure carefully from the fuse sides out to the

polyhedral breaks (arrows ‘A’) to be sure that the

wing is centered.


Now measure from the polyhedral to the back end

of the fuselage(arrow ‘B’) to make sure wing is

square to the fuselage.

Mark the wing and the fuselage with matching line-

up points.


Collect the following parts:

(1) Fuselage

(1) Stabilizer

(1) Fin

(2) Control Horn

(4) Screws


Make sure the stab is level (parallel) with the wing

and insert paper strip shims, if necessary.

Elevator Mark


When satisfied with the alignment of the stab, tem-

porarily tape securely in place.

Turn over the plane and mark the area on the bot-

tom of the stab where it rests on the fuse.