Top wing mounting – Carl Goldberg GBGA1079 User Manual

Page 8

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30% Ultimate ARF

Remove the stab and using a sharp

#11 blade, cut the covering about
1/8” inside the line you drew and
remove the covering. Be careful and
do not cut too deep and cut into the
balsa as this will weaken the stab.
Do this top and bottom. Check the
stab saddle in the fuselage and
remove the covering where the stab
will be sitting. Mix some 30 minute e-
poxy and apply to the bare wood on
the stabilizer where you removed the
covering. Slide the stab back into the
fuselage and align using the marks
you made. Use masking tape pulled to
the top of the fin and bottom of the
fuselage to hold parallel to wing.
Use rubbing alcohol and paper tow-
els to clean up the excess epoxy.
Recheck your alignment and set aside
to dry.

When satisfied with the alignment,

measure to make sure the stab is
square and centered. Measurement A
should be the same on both sides and
measurement B should be the same on
both sides. When stab is aligned, use a
marker and draw a line on top and
bottom of the stab, on both sides next
to the fuselage.





remove covering

Top Wing Mounting

Locate the aluminum brackets that

make up the cabane struts. It consist
of six pieces. The two long straight
pieces are the diagonal supports. The
two longer of the pieces with angles
go to the rear and the two shorter
ones go to the front. The sharper of
the two angles are the bottom of the


front brackets