Carl Goldberg GBGA1079 User Manual

Page 22

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30% Ultimate ARF

Locate the two servo cutouts on

each side of the fuselage just under
the stab. Remove the covering with a
sharp knife.

Install the two servos with the out-

put shaft to the rear. You will need
four 24” servo lead extensions.
Locate the two 4-40 x 5” pushrods,
four 4-40 nuts, four 4-40 golden cle-
vises, and four clevis retainer clips.
install a nut and clevis on each end
and with the servo centered, connect
to servo and elevator horn.

Locate the two 7” 4-40 pushrods and

install nuts and clevises on each end.
Attach to rudder output and rudder
horn. After controls are adjusted
install the clevis retainer clips on
all clevises. Tighten the nuts against
the clevises.