Carl Goldberg GBGA1079 User Manual

Page 15

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30% Ultimate ARF

Drill a 1/2” hole at the dimple on the

side with the wood block. If you have
a forstner bit you can drill the 1/2”
hole directly, if using a regular drill
start with a small bit and work you
way up slowly or grind out with a
dremel too to prevent damaging the
fiberglass. Support the wood block
on the inside when drilling to pre-
vent knocking the block loose. If this
happens just epoxy back into place.

Block the fuselage up level on your work bench and fit the wheel pants on

the axles with out the wheels. The 1/2” hole will fit over the nut part of the
axle at the landing gear. Block the wheel pants up so they are level and par-
allel to each other.

Take a 1/8” drill and mark the loca-

tion of the hole through the pre-
drilled hole in the landing gear.
Remove the wheel pant and drill a
3/16” hole on the mark. Install the
blind nut by pulling it into place with
the 6-32 x 1/2” socket head screw
with a washer on the outside. When
the nut is seated glue in place with
CA being careful not to get glue in
the threads. Put a 3/16” wheel col-
lar on the axle, put the wheel pant
half way on and slip the four inch
wheel on the axle. Install the outside
wheel collar and adjust both so the
wheel is centered in the wheel pant.
Rotate the wheel pant into place and
secure with the 6-32 x 1/2” screw. Be
sure and use thread lock on the