Driving comfort, Active cruise control – BMW 2012 X6M User Manual

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Driving comfort

Active cruise control*

With active cruise control you can select a de‐
sired speed which is then automatically main‐
tained when driving on open roadways and is
varied to maintain a selected distance setting to
slower moving vehicles ahead.
Active cruise control represents a technological
advance over the familiar cruise control and is a
welcome relief from the constant adjustment of
speed that can accompany driving in traffic on
highways or other high-speed thoroughfares.
Especially on longer trips and in traffic conges‐
tion, the system can reduce fatigue and tension,
while increasing your enjoyment of driving.
Please use it safely and responsibly.
In addition to holding a steady cruising speed, if
you encounter slower vehicles ahead, active
cruise control will, within limits, adjust your ve‐
hicle's speed automatically so that you can flow
with the traffic without having to make constant
adjustments. If, for example, while cruising at the
selected speed, you begin to approach a slower
vehicle ahead of you in the same lane, the sys‐
tem will reduce your vehicle's speed to the same
as that of the vehicle ahead to maintain your se‐
lected distance setting. You can vary the follow‐
ing distance, which will vary with speed. Based
on your selected distance setting, the system
automatically decreases the throttle setting and
lightly applies the brakes if necessary. In addi‐
tion, if the vehicle ahead of you slows to a com‐
plete stop, the system can follow this action
within the given scope and can also accelerate
from a complete stop if the vehicle ahead of you
drives off again shortly thereafter. During brak‐
ing, your vehicle brake lamps will automatically
illuminate to alert a following driver to take ac‐
tion. In addition, it may be necessary for your
vehicle to downshift the automatic transmission
to maintain the distance setting selected. As
soon as the road in front of you has no moving
vehicles, the system will accelerate to your de‐
sired speed. This set speed is also maintained
on downhill grades, however the vehicle speed

can drop below the set speed when driving uphill
if the engine output is not sufficient.

Personal responsibility
Active cruise control cannot detect stop

signs, red lights, or any object that is stopped or
is blocking the road. Active cruise control is not
and must not be used as a collision avoidance/
warning system. Since this active cruise control
system is a new technology and operates dif‐
ferently from conventional cruise control sys‐
tems to which you may be accustomed, it is
necessary that you read all of the pages relating
to this system before use. Carefully read and
observe the information on the system limita‐
tions, refer to page


, to obtain a good com‐

mand of the system and its range of applica‐

Brake pedal feel

When the system brakes and you also depress
the brake pedal, a somewhat different braking
feel results.

Professional navigation system*

If the vehicle is equipped with a Professional
navigation system, the system adapts the ac‐
celeration and deceleration behavior of the ve‐
hicle to the road on which you are currently driv‐
To ensure that the system has the latest infor‐
mation on the course of the road, use the most
recent version of the navigation data.
If the vehicle position is unknown, e.g., if you
have left the region covered by the map, the
navigation system ceases to influence vehicle


Please try the system first during sparse traffic
and clear road conditions so that you can get
used to the system. After you have experience
and understand the system, only then use it dur‐
ing normal traffic.

Seite 102


Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 606 735 - 03 11 500

Driving comfort

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