Drive-off assistant, Self-leveling suspension, Active steering – BMW 2012 X6M User Manual

Page 100: Driving stability control systems

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Chassis and suspension tuning

Two chassis and suspension tunings are avail‐
able for selection.

The comfortable basic setting offers opti‐
mum comfort when traveling.

The sporty basic setting offers increased
driving agility.

Selecting chassis and suspension


Press the button.

The system switches between the two chassis
and suspension tuning settings.

The LED in the button lights up and SPORT
is displayed in the instrument panel.

The LED in the button goes out.

The selection of the chassis and suspension
tuning setting is stored for the remote control
currently in use.

Drive-off assistant

This system supports driving away on gradients.
The parking brake is not required.


Hold the vehicle in place with the foot brake.


Release the foot brake and drive away with‐
out delay.

Depending on the vehicle load, the vehicle may
roll back slightly.

Driving off without delay
After releasing the foot brake, start driving

without delay, since the drive-off assistant will
not hold the vehicle in place for more than ap‐
prox. 2 seconds and the vehicle will begin rolling

Self-leveling suspension*

The concept

The self-leveling suspension on the rear axle
assures a continuous ground clearance.
To do so, the height of the vehicle is measured
by sensors at both rear wheels.
If the actual height deviates from the defined
height, such as due to cargo in the vehicle, this
difference is compensated very quickly. In ad‐
dition, spring motions resulting from cornering
or irregularities in the road surface are reduced
to a minimum.
The system works automatically.


Malfunctions are displayed via Check Control,
refer to page



Active steering*

The concept

The active steering actively varies the steering
angle of the front wheels in relation to the steer‐
ing wheel movements. In addition, it also varies
the steering force required for steering depend‐
ing on the vehicle's speed.
When you are driving in the low speed range, for
instance in a town or when parking, the steering
angle increases, i.e., steering becomes very di‐
rect. In the higher speed range, on the other
hand, the steering angle is reduced more and
more. This improves the handling of your vehicle
over the entire speed range.
In critical situations, the system can make tar‐
geted corrections to the steering angle provided

Seite 100


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Driving stability control systems

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