BMW 2013 3 Series User Manual
Page 168

Display in the instrument cluster
ECO PRO bonus range
An extension of the range can be
achieved by an adjusted driving
This may be displayed as the bo‐
nus range in the instrument clus‐
Driving style
In the tachometer, a mark in the
bar display indicates the current
efficiency of the driving style cor‐
responding to the accelerator
pedal position.
Blue display: efficient driving style as long as
the mark moves within the blue range.
Gray display: adjust driving style, e. g. by
backing off the accelerator pedal.
The display switches to blue as soon as all con‐
ditions for fuel-economy-optimized driving are
ECO PRO Tip - driving instruction
The arrow indicates that the driv‐
ing style can be adjusted to be
more fuel efficient by backing off
the accelerator.
Additional symbols
Symbol Measure
For efficient driving style, back off the
accelerator or delay accelerating to
allow time to assess road conditions.
Reduce speed to the selected ECO
PRO speed.
Symbol Measure
Automatic transmission: switch from
S/M to D or avoid manual shift inter‐
Manual shift transmission: follow
shifting instructions.
Manual shift transmission: engage
neutral for engine stop.
Display in the instrument display
When ECO PRO mode is activated, the display
switches to a special configuration.
Some of the displays may differ from the display
in the instrument cluster.
Configuring ECO PRO
Via the Driving Experience Switch
Activate ECO PRO.
"Configure ECO PRO"
Configure the program.
Via the iDrive
"ECO PRO mode"
"Driving mode"
"Configure ECO PRO"
Configure the program.
Seite 168
Driving tips
Saving fuel
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