ALTANA Temp-Gard 12p Manual User Manual

Page 7

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temp-gard 12p


temp-gard 6p


Comes com plete with:
temp-gard dat a log ger instru ment
temp-chart soft ware
1 Ther mal bar rier
1 Set of heat sinks
1 Probe for air tem per a ture, mag net, 3m (PT-3131)
1 Inter face cable to PC
2 AA Alka line bat teries
Oper at ing man ual
Cer tifi cate
Car ry ing case
Object tem per a ture probes mag net, 3m (PT-3125)

-temp-gard 6p 5 object probes
-temp-gard 12p 11 object probes

System description and Delivery notes

This manual is related to the following products: