ALTANA Conical Mandrel Bending Tester User Manual

Page 12

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Bending a coated sheet metal over
a defi ned radius allows an indication
of the elongation and adhesion of a
paint fi lm at bending stress. The
ASTM and ISO standards describe
the test method by means of a
conical mandrel. The use of a
conical mandrel bending tester
enables testing of a large variety of
bending radiuses at the same time.

The conical mandrel consists of an
20 cm (8 in.) long metal cone with a
diameter decreasing from 38 mm
(1 1/2 in.) to 3.2 mm (1/8 in.).

The mandrel is mounted on a base
plate in a horizontal position. An
operating lever with a drawbar is
provided for bending the test panel
around the mandrel. The instrument
is also equipped with a device for
clamping the test panel.

Test in accordance with

ASTM D 1737

withdrawn in 1988 and replaced by:

ASTM D 522
DIN 53150
DIN EN ISO 6860.

1. General