ALTANA BYK-Gardner Mechanical Drive User Manual

Page 4

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The Mechanical Drive consists of a motor, drive
system and vacuum plate mounted on a fl at base.
The drive mechanism consists of two parallel
motor-driven sprocket chains. These draw a
two-part bar device (drive bar and holder bar)
holding an applicator, from one end of the panel
to the other. An automatic switch stops the motor
at the end of the drawdown. The applicator is
placed adjacent to, and in front of, the drive bar
which is attached to the chains at each end by
threaded bolts. The holder bar is placed on top
of the applicator, fi xed in position by two rods
on the drive bar which fi t into two holes on the
holder. The holder bar is heavy enough to assure
intimate contact of the applicator with the panel
which is held down on the vacuum plate. The drive
mechanism and vacuum plate are mounted on the
base which is supported by rubber cushioned feet.
