ALTANA Balanced Beam User Manual
Page 6
General Information
General Information
A pivoted beam is supported horizontally above
a sturdy base plate. Near one end of the beam is
an adjustable length stylus holding rod mounted
through the pivoted beam at 45° A weight
platform is positioned on the beam such that
weights mounted on the platform exert their force
on the stylus. The weight platform is equipped
with a post to help retain slotted weights. On the
opposite end of the beam is a counter-weight that
can be moved to balance the weight of the stylus
holding rod and weight support structure. The
base plate is equipped with a level and adjustable
feet used to level the instrument. A separate level
is mounted on the beam and is used to verify that
the beam is horizontal. On the base plate under
the stylus rod is a sample platform supported on
bearings and freely movable. Rotation of a knob
near the center of the beam will raise amd lower
the stylus holding rod. A movable support bar with
two pegs can be inserted in holes in the sample
platform at one end of the sample to assist in
positioning the sample.
The instrument is supplied with slotted weights
for placing a load on the stylus. The Loop Stylus
for ASTM scrape adhesion and mar resistance.
The Needle Stylus is for testing hardness as
resistance to scratching. The Loop Stylus is a
0.0625“ drill rod bent 1800 to a „U“ shape with a
0.256“ outside width dimension. It is hardened,
buffed and nickel plated. Available as options are
the Scratching Tool of the Hoffman Scratch Tester,
rod stylus, ball-tipped styluses of 1/16“ and 1/8“
diameter and a Spit Stylus.