Kistler-Morse KM Load Stand II User Manual
Page 22

97-1100-01 Rev. H
calibration when scheduling permits you to move material into or out of the vessel. The following sections
provide procedures for performing Live Load and Manual calibrations.
Live LoaD caLiBration
Live Load calibration can be performed by adding or removing a known quantity of material from the vessel.
The quantity of material moved must be at least 25% of the vessel’s total capacity. The procedures for both Live
Load calibrations methods follow.
note: Refer to the signal processor manual to input Low Span and High Span.
aDDinG MateriaL
1. Record the current live load.
2. Input Lo Span: Lo Span = current live load
3. Add known quantity of material to the vessel. Ensure all material has stopped moving before proceeding.
4. Input Hi Span: Hi Span = Lo Span + Added Weight
Example: You are using Load Stands to monitor a vessel.
The vessel currently contains 50,000 lbs of material. The vessel can hold a maximum of 200,000 lbs. You plan to
add 60,000 lbs of material (>25% of 200,000 lbs) to the vessel. Following the Live Load calibration procedure:
1. Current live load = 50,000 lbs
2. Lo Span = current live load = 50,000 lbs
3. Add 60,000 lbs of material.
4. Hi Span = Lo Span + Added Weight = 50,000 lbs + 60,000 lbs = 110,000 lbs
reMovinG MateriaL
1. Record the current live load.
2. Input Hi Span: Hi Span = current live load
3. Remove a known quantity of material from the vessel. Ensure all material has stopped moving before
4. Input Lo Span: Lo Span = Hi Span – Removed Weight
Example: You are using Load Stands to monitor a vessel.
The vessel currently contains 110,000 lbs of material. The vessel can hold a maximum of 200,000 lbs. You plan
to remove 60,000 lbs of material (>25% of 200,000 lbs) from the vessel. Following the Live Load calibration
1. Current live load = 110,000 lbs
2. Hi Span = current live load = 110,000 lbs
3. Remove 60,000 lbs of material.
4. Lo Span = Hi Span – Removed Weight = 110,000 lbs – 60,000 lbs = 50,000 lbs