Kistler-Morse KM Load Stand II User Manual

Page 18

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97-1100-01 Rev. H


• Use Belden 3-conductor shielded interconnect cable or equivalent to wire junction boxes together and

to the signal processor, for lengths up to 2,000’ (305 m)

• When wiring cable to junction box terminals, strip back 3” (76 mm) of cable sheathing to expose the

three conductor wires and shield wire inside. Strip




” (6 mm) of insulation from the end of each of the

conductor wires. Figure 3-7. Spread a generous bead of sealant around the sides of the PG 13.5 cable
fittings. Install the fittings in the two large holes.

caution: onLY uSe SiKaFLex 1a PoLYurethane SeaLant or DoW corninG rtv 739 or

rtv 738. other SeaLantS MaY contain acetic aciD, Which iS harMFuL to SenSorS

anD eLectronicS.

1. See Figure 3-8 (conduit installation) or Figure 3-9 (non-conduit installation). Route the 3-conductor cable

through the fitting into the junction box farthest from the signal processor. Connect wires from the cable
to the TB2 terminal in the junction box: black wire to B, white wire to W, and red wire to R. Connect the
cable shield wire to the Shield terminal between TB1 and TB2.

2. Route the cable through conduit/cable tray to the next junction box. Estimate the required length of

cable to the terminal strip, allowing a little extra for strain relief. Cut the excess cable. Connect wires
from the cable to the TB1 terminal in the junction box: black wire to B, white wire to W, and red wire to R.
Connect the cable shield wire to the Shield terminal between TB1 and TB2.

3. Route another 3-conductor cable through the fitting into this junction box, and attach wires to the TB2

terminal: black wire to B, white wire to W, and red wire

caution: aLL WirinG routeD BetWeen Junction BoxeS anD SiGnaL ProceSSor MuSt

Be continuouS (no SPLiceS).

4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until all junction boxes for the vessel are wired together.

5. Route the cable from the last junction box through conduit to the signal processor. Refer to the signal

processor manual for wiring the junction box to the signal processor. One vessel takes up one channel in
the signal processor — the channel shows the average value from all the Load Stands supporting the