Kistler-Morse KM Load Stand II User Manual
Page 10

97-1100-01 Rev. H
WarninG: uSe ProPer SuPPortS to Prevent the veSSeL FroM tiPPinG or FaLLinG.
1. Raise the vessel.
2. Inspect the bottom of the vessel mounting surface to ensure it is perfectly flat. Check for angular
misalignment. Remove any debris from the mounting surface.
3. Mount the Load Stands on the foundation.
a. Place the customer-supplied leveling nut and hardened washer on each anchor bolt. Check the
angular alignment.
b. Carefully place the Load Stand on the leveling nuts/washers, aligning the mounting holes with the
foundation anchor bolts.
c. Place the customer-supplied hardened washer and nut on each anchor bolt. Do not fully tighten the
nuts at this time. Leave a 1/4” (6 mm) gap between the nut and washer to allow for positioning the
Load Stand.
d. Place only the rubber pad on the top of the Load Stand, aligning the mounting holes.
e. Repeat Steps A through D for each Load Stand.
f. Record the no load output.
4. Mount the vessel on the Load Stands:
a. Slowly lower the vessel until it is resting on the Load Stand assemblies. Alignment pins may be used
to help guide and position the vessel.
b. Center the Load Stand top mounting holes with the vessel mounting holes, using the clearance
available from the Load Stand bottom mounting holes.
note: On 50,000 lb (22,680 kg) or larger, Load Stands, a pry bar may be used at the base of the Load Stand
to gently move it into position.
caution: iF the veSSeL hoLe Pattern DoeS not Match uP With the LoaD StanD hoLe
Pattern, MoDiFY the MountinG hoLeS on the veSSeL. Do not haMMer the LoaD
StanD into PoSition or Force the LoaD StanD into PoSition BY tiGhteninG the
MountinG BoLtS.
c. Place a rubber washer on each customer-provided top bolt. Place the four top bolts through the
vessel, rubber pad, and Load Stand mounting holes.
d. Place a rubber washer and customer provided nut on the end of each bolt. Tighten the nuts finger
tight. Do not compress the rubber washers at this time.
5. Perform preliminary leveling:
a. Inspect the installation for gaps between the vessel mounting plate and the Load Stand.
b. Eliminate gaps by doing one or a combination of the following:
• Turn the leveling nuts, only to raise the entire load stand.
• Install one or more full shims above the Load Stand rubber pad. Two shims are provided by
Kistler-Morse with each Load Stand.
• Install one or more partial shims above the Load Stand rubber pad. Two shims are provided by
Kistler-Morse with each Load Stand. Using the Load Stand flange as a guide, mark the required shim
shape on a thin piece of cardboard. Use this as a template to cut the required shape from a full shim.