Modbus-rtu commands and parameters, Slave address parameter – Hardy HI 6300 Series User Manual

Page 63

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Instrument Configuration


On the Web page, select the communication menu and the Ethernet TCP/IP submenu, and
left click inside the Hardy Port text field and enter the Hardy Port value.

On the HI 6300 series instrument display, select the communication menu and use the UP
or DOWN button to select the Ethernet UDP submenu, then select the Hardy Port menu
item. The current Hardy Port value will be displayed, press the ENTER or the RIGHT
button if the value needs to be modified.

Modbus-RTU Commands and Parameters

Slave Address Parameter

The Slave Address parameter is a unique network address between 1 and 247

assigned to the HI 6300 series instrument.

On the Web page, select the communication menu and then select the Modbus RTU

submenu, and left click inside the Slave Address text field and enter the Slave
Address assigned to the HI 6300 series instrument.

On the HI 6300 series instrument display, select the communication menu and use

the UP or DOWN button to select the Modbus-RTU submenu, then select the Slave
Address menu item. The current Slave Address value will be displayed, press the
ENTER or the RIGHT button if the Slave Address needs to be modified.

Baud Rate Parameter

No specific baud rate is specified for Modbus-RTU, the Baud Rate parameter is used

to match the baud rate set by the master device, typically 9,600 or 19,200.

On the Web page, select the communication menu and then select the Modbus RTU

submenu and left click inside the Baud Rate text field and enter the Baud Rate.