Hangar 9 Piper Pawnee 40 ARF User Manual
Page 20

Step 15
Secure the pushrod wire using one of the snap links
provided with your Piper Pawnee 40.
Step 16
Slide a clevis retainer onto one of the nylon clevises.
Thread the clevis onto the pushrod wire.
Step 17
Turn on the radio system and plug the aileron servo into
the receiver. Attach the clevis to the middle hole of the
control horn as shown. It will be necessary to thread the
clevis in or out on the pushrod wire to center the control
surface while the radio is on and the servo centered.
Step 18
Repeat Steps 1 through 17 to install the remaining
aileron servos.
Step 19
Repeat Steps 2 through 18 to install the flap servos.
Please pay attention to the notes at Step 10 regarding the
centering of the flap servo and the servo arm installation.
The linkage attaches to the outer hole of the servo arm and
the middle hole of the control arm.
Note: When installing the flap linkage, make
sure to change the radio to the up flap position
before connecting and installing the linkage.
Note: On the flap we used the long
servo arm (JSP98060) and connected to
the middle hole on the control horn.
Section 2: Aileron and Flap Servo Installation