Parameter slide, Swing, Track transpose – Elektron Analog Four User Manual

Page 47: Parameter slide swing track transpose

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Note slides can be quickly added to note trigs. Keep the note trig pressed and press [BANK C/G].
A note slide trig will automatically be placed on the same sequencer step as the note trig.

Press a note trig lock to quickly see if a note slide trig is placed on the same sequencer step as
the trig. If that is the case, the LED will light up.

The PARAMETER SLIDE menu makes it possible for the parameter values of two separate note trigs or trigless
locks of a track to slide between each other. Open the menu by pressing [FUNCTION] + [BANK D/H]. When
this menu is active and [TRIG] keys are pressed, slide trigs will be placed on the sequencer.

For a parameter value to slide between two trigs, it needs to be locked on one of the trigs. A locked parameter
value will slide to the unlocked value and vice versa. To make the parameter value slide, place a slide trig on the
same sequencer step as the trig whose parameters you want to slide. The speed of the slide is relative to the
current tempo and the slide is completed when the next trig is reached. Several parameter values can slide at
the same time.

Parameter slides can be quickly added to note trigs or trigless locks. Keep the note trig or trigless
lock pressed and press [BANK D/H]. A parameter slide trig will automatically be placed on the
same sequencer step as the note trig/trigless lock.

Press a note trig/trigless lock to quickly see if a parameter slide trig is placed on the same
sequencer step as the trig. If that is the case, the LED will light up.

Sets the swing of the pattern, allowing for a different rhythmic groove. Access this menu by pressing [FUNC-
] + [KEYBOARD B1].

Tracks can be transposed up or down and the transpose function can be locked for one handed operation. The
tracks that will be affected by the transpose functionality are set in the NOTES SETUP menu. Read more in sec-
tion “NOTES SETUP” on page 34. A quick command for this also exists. Press [TRANSPOSE] + [TRACK] to
activate or deactivate the transpose functionality for the tracks. When pressing and holding the [TRANSPOSE]
key, lit LEDs indicate which tracks are transpose activated.

To transpose, press and hold [TRANSPOSE] and press a [KEYBOARD] key. Select a different octave range to
transpose to by pressing [UP] or [DOWN]. After having performed a transpose, a little pop-up window will show
how many semitones the transpose consists of.

The notes of the tracks are transposed according the TRK KEY NOTE and TRK KEY SCALE settings, found in
the NOTES SETUP menu covered on page 34. The transpose is an offset to the set key note, meaning all note