Doepfer Dial Electronic User Manual
Page 7

User's Guide
Page 7
Connectors for the 16 rotary encoders (4)
For the connection of 16 rotary encoders the 16 single row pin headers ST1...ST16
(3 pins each) are available.
A rotary encoder has three terminals available: common terminal, output 1 and output
2. When operating the encoder the outputs 1 and 2 are shortened to the common
terminal in a certain sequence (different for right and left rotation). In the end an
encoder is nothing but two switches with one common terminal. The DE decodes this
switching sequence and generates the corresponding Midi messages.
The lower pin of each pin header (refer to the picture on page 6) corresponds to the
common termincal of the encoder. The other two pins correspond to the (active)
switches of the encoders. Please look into the data sheet of the encoder used to find
out the pin assignment of your encoder. If the two active terminals are mixed up the
Midi function is reverse. We recommend to connect only one encoder at first to find
out the correct polarity before the other encoders are connected. If the terminals are
connected in the wrong way nothing can be damaged but the encoder will not work
correctly (i.e. no function or reverse).
If ALPS encoders EC16B24 are used the order of the three pins matches to the pin
headers of the DE. These encoders are available as single spare parts or as a
complete control set for DE (16 encoders with black knobs, 6 buttons, 4 LEDs,
cables) that has to be purchased separately.
Suitable 3-pin female connectors with cables can be used to connect the encoders to
the pin headers ST1...ST16 instead of soldering the cables directly to the pin
headers. We strictly recommend this type of wiring but not to solder the wires directly
to the pin headers. Usage of cables with female connectors allows to disconnect the
encoders from the electronics very easily. Suitable female connectors with cables are
available as single spare parts and are even included with the control set for DE.
Unused encoder connectors are left open (no termination required).
Remark (only if the Dial Electronics control set is used):
The measure of the 3 pin female connector of the cable sets is a little bit more than
the corresponding pin header on the pc board. Consequently the female connectors
have to be grinded off a bit (e.g. with sandpaper). Otherwise several female
connectors will not fit side by side.