Checkline MK-720 User Manual

Page 29

background image

9o “lear “urrently ”isplaye” ”ata, “li“k

(lear button.

9o store ”ownloa”e” ”ata, save ”atasheet with naming.

)ata store” in MK-720 is not “leare” by ”ownloa”ing. To “lear ”ata in MK-720, ”o in pro“e”ure written

in page 12.

●9o enable ma“ro fun“tion
(omputer may ”isplay warning about ma“ro fun“tion at opening ”ownloa”ing sheet (Ex“el file).

Set ma“ro or “ontents enable for this “ase.

(1) +or Ex“el2007 an” Ex“el2010

Enable “ontent

button on yellow bar on the top of ”isplay.

(2) (2) +or Ex“el2003

Enable Ma“ros button on se“urity warning win”ow as showe” below.

In the “ase )ownloa”

button or (lear

button is effe“tive without being ”isplaye” se“urity warning win”ow

pro“ee” filing.

If )ownloa” button or (lear button is NOT effe“tive an” se“urity warning win”ow is NOT ”isplaye”, se“urity

level is set at very high “lass. Set se“urity level to enable ma“ro a““or”ing to gui”an“e of Ex“el 2003.