Checkline MK-720 User Manual

Page 27

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1【 (onfirm 20-】20 U8B 8erial 5ort ((42 X) (☆ X is numeri“) is a””e” in 5orts((42 & 159) at )evi“e 2anager .

9ake note of the number


. (42 number will be require” to utilize )ownloa” sheet


9his (42 number ”iffers by “omputer by “omputer.

3.2. How to use ”ownloa” sheet (Ex“el files


20-】20 ”ata ”ownloa” sheet .

MK-720 requires Mi“rosoft Ex“el version Ex“el 2002, 2003, 2007, an” 2010. at use of Ex“el software.

20-】20 ”ata ”ownloa” sheet.xls

file is store” in () in“lu”e” in stan”ar” “onfiguration of MK-720. Please

utilize after ”ownloa”ing to your “omputer.

Ma“ro fun“tion shoul” be enable” to use

MK-720 ”ata ”ownloa” sheet

. See page 28 to “he“k ”etails.

8et (42 number (whi“h is note” at installation of ”river software) on U8B serial port of ”ownloa” sheet.