Checkline MK-720 User Manual
Page 17

◆◆ 2.1.2. 7e“ommen”ation of use of earphone
We re“ommen” using earphone while “he“king to re”u“e bur”en of “he“king. If you hear low soun” from earphone,
see s“reen.
20-】20 automati“ally turns off after 5 minutes of no operation.
◆ 2.2 (he“king operation by button
◆◆ 2.2.1. 8ensing
5ush re” button.
20-】20 “ontinues “he“king while you keep pushing re” button.
After you release re” button, 20-】20 in”i“ates ”ata you “he“ke” last.
20-】20 start sensing again by se“on” push of re” button.
20-】20 points sensing area by laser.
When you release re” button,
laser pointer stops.
◆◆ 2.2.2. 7ange swit“hing
You “an swit“h range by pushing white button at sensing (=while you are pushing re” button ).
7ange swit“hing “annot be ”one while 20-】20 is not sensing.
7ange swit“hing or”er is as follows.
At AU94 range setting, 20-】20 swit“hes range from 1. An” if sense” value is high, automati“ally swit“h range
to 2, an” to 1.
At the “ase that you start “he“king again after you stoppe”, 20-】20 (at AU94 range setting) start sensing
at 1 range.
7ange setting (AU94,1,2,H) is kept after turning off.
20-】20 starts sensing at range memorize” at previous sensing.
固 In the “ase 20-】20 ”isplays
at fixe” range setting su“h as 1, 2, an” H, it means s“ale-over.
8wit“h to higher range.
◆◆ 2.2.3. How to memorize ”ata
)ata is memorize” by pushing blue button while ”ata is hol” at i”le state.
)ata memorizing “annot be ”one at sensing state. (While you push re” button. )
2aximum memory volume an” memory “ontents
[L] )ouble frequen“y rate
(onverte” value from of
”ouble frequen“y ultrasoun” to soun” pressure,
)ate of measuring
[W] Waveforms of envelope” ultrasoun”, ++T
spe“trum, Top 10 values
)ate of measuring
10 sets