Checkline TI-25P User Manual
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3.0 O
The TI-25P interacts with the operator through the membrane keypad and the
LCD display. The functions of the various keys on the keypad are detailed below,
followed by an explanation of the display and its various symbols.
3.1 The Keypad
This ON/OFF key is used to turn the TI-25P on and off. When the
gauge is turned ON, it will first perform a brief display test by illumi-
nating all of the segments in the display. After one second, the gauge
will display the internal software version number. After displaying the
version number, the display will show "0.000" (or "0.00" if using metric
units), indicating the gauge is ready for use.
The TI-25P is turned OFF by pressing the ON/OFF key. The gauge has
a special memory that retains all of its settings even when the power is
off. The gauge also features an auto-powerdown mode designed to con-
serve battery life. If the gauge is idle for 5 minutes, it will turn itself
The PRB-0 key is used to “zero” the TI-25P in much the same way that
a mechanical micrometer is zeroed. If the gauge is not zeroed correctly,
all of the measurements that the gauge makes may be in error by some
fixed value. Refer to page 8 for an explanation of this important proce-
The IN/MM key is used to switch back and forth between English and
Metric units. This key may be used at any time, whether the gauge is
displaying a thickness (IN or MM) or a velocity value (IN/µs or M/s)
The BACKLIGHT key switches the display backlight between three
available settings. OFF will be displayed when the backlight is switched
off. AUTO will be displayed when the backlight is set to automatic
mode, and ON will be displayed when the backlight is set to stay on. In
the AUTO setting, the backlight will illuminate when the TI-25P is
actually making a measurement.
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Section 1— Product Identification
Product Name: TI-25M
Generic Name: Ultrasonic Couplant
Manufacturer: Electromatic Equpt. Co.
NFPA Hazardous Materials Identification System (est)
Health 0 Flammability 0 Reactivity 0
Section 2— Hazardous Ingredients
This material does not contain any ingredients having known health hazards in concentrations
greater than 1%. This material does not contain any known or suspected carcinogens.
Section 3 — Physical Data (nominal)
Boiling Point: >220°F
Freezing Point: <20°F
Vapor Pressure: N/A
Evaporation Rate: N/A
Specific Gravity: >1.0Z
Solubility in Water: complete
pH: 7.35 – 7.9
Acoustic Imp.: 1.726x10
Vapor Density: N/A
Appearance and Odor: water white, opaque gel; bland odor
Section 4 — Fire and Explosive Hazard Data
Flash Point: none Upper Exposure Limit: none Lower Exposure Limit: none
Special Fire Fighting Procedures: N/A
Extinguishing media: N/A
Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: none
Section 5 — Reactive Data
Stability: Stable Conditions to Avoid: none
Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): none known
Hazardous Polymerization: will not occur
Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts: none known
Section 6 —- Health Hazard and First Aid Data
Routes of Entry
Skin: not likely Ingestion: not normally
Eyes: not normally
Inhalation: no
Effects of Overexposure:
Acute: May cause temporary eye irritation
Chronic: none expected
First Aid Procedures:
Skin: Remove with water if desired.
Eyes: Flush with water for 15 minutes.
Ingestion: For large quantities, induce vomiting and call a physician Inhalation: N/A
Section 7 - Storage and Handling Information
Precautions to be taken in handling and storage: Store between 20 °F and 120 °F. Spills are
slippery and should be cleaned up immediately. Steps to be taken in case material is released or
spilled: Pick up excess for disposal. Clean with water. Waste disposal method: Dispose of in
accordance with federal, state, and local regulations.
Section 8 — Control Measures
Respiratory Protection: not required
Ventilation: not required
Protective Gloves: on individuals demonstrating sensitivity to TI-25M
Eye Protection: as required by working conditions
Other Protective Equipment: not required
1. TI-25M contains only food grade and cosmetic grade ingredients.
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