4 description of function, 1 program window, Description of function 4.1 – BUCHI SpeedExtractor E-916 User Manual
Page 8: Program window, 4description of function

4 Description of function
SpeedExtractor Record 1.0 Operation Manual, Version A
Description of function
This section will introduce all basic functions provided by the software and its structure.
Program window
The concept drawing below displays the segmentation of the program window and the general icons.
The icon status depends on the actual program view:
Greyed-out icons are inactive and not operable
Colored icons are active and operable
Program window
Actions behind buttons
Menu bar
Click on text, to activate drop down menus
Toolbar with icons
Click this icon to open an existing extraction report
Click this icon to delete items
Click this icon to safe items
Click this icon to export items in .csv format
Program tree view
To expand the tree-structure, click on the plus symbol
Main view
Displays program information and configuration screens
Program icon
Can be found on the desktop as a program shortcut
and in the program window
Progress bar
Displays system status progress
Program status indication
PC is connected to the SpeedExtractor and
serial number of connected device (communication established)
PC is not connected to the SpeedExtractor (communication failed)