4 description of function, 1 functional principle, Description of function 4.1 – BUCHI Melting Point M-565 User Manual
Page 16: Functional principle, 4description of function, 4 .1 functional principle
4 Description of function
Melting Point M-565 Operation Manual, Version D
Description of function
This section explains the basic principle of the Melting Point M-565 and provides a functional descrip-
tion of the assemblies.
4 .1
Functional principle
The Melting Point M-565 is an instrument for automatic and visual (manual) determination of melting
point, melting range, and boiling point at ambient temperatures +10 °C up to 400 °C. The melting
point of three samples can be determined at the same time. The boiling point can be determined for
one sample. Samples can be observed through the lens or on the color display.
Detection principle of the Melting Point M-565
a glass capillary tube
b sample
c camera
d temperature sensor
e heating block
f light source
g glass window
The melting point capillary sits in a hollow of a
metal block, which is heated electrically and
controlled by a temperature sensor. The heating
block can be maintained accurately at a pre-
defined temperature by the heating element and
can be heated at a defined rate.
Detection is done as follows: The melting point
capillary is illuminated from the front and the
camera records the image. Melting and boiling
points are detected by image processing.
Fig. 4.1: Reflection mode due to Ph. Eur. 6.1 2.2.60.