BUCHI Syncor Polyvap User Manual
Page 22
Figure 15: Display of the set-point temperature for the vacuum connection
Further control parameters
5.5.1 Vacuum connection heater
The vacuum connection is capable of being heated. This
redu ces or prevents condensation in the vacuum connection.
The heater for the vacuum cover is controlled by the basic
platform and can be limited to a given maximum tempera-
ture by the operator. The tempe ra ture of the vacuum cover
is always controlled, regard less of whether the unit is being
operated manually or via a program.
To deactivate the heating of the vacuum cover, disconnect
this from the current supply (24 V output of the basic unit).
A detailed description of the vacuum cover can be found in
the operating instructions “Syncore Accessories”
The vacuum cover is heated across two independent heating
coils. The maximum power available for heating is 120 W.
When the drive for the heating plate is switched ON, some
of the electrical power is used for the motor, reducing the
power for heating to 70 W. For that reason, we recommend
setting the drive to zero if it is not needed. This ensures that
the vacuum connection will reach its operating temperature
more quickly.
The temperature of the vacuum connection is restricted to
a maximum of 70°C. The recommended set-point for the
temperature of the vacuum connection is 50°C.
Avoid too low a temperature of the vacuum cover during
operation to prevent condensation of solvent.
5.5.2 Setting the control temperature
The control temperature of the vacuum connection is obtained
by simultaneously pressing on both the UP- and DOWN- keys
for the temperature for about 3 seconds. The control
temperature appears in the display, e.g. P50 for 50°C.
The new control temperature for the vacuum connection can
be set by pressing either the UP- or DOWN-key.
After 3 seconds, the existing mode terminates and the new
control temperature becomes effective.
Check: Active heating of the vacuum connection is indicated
by the blinking point in the „ACTUAL“ display. This blinking
is stopped once the temperature reaches the value of the
control point or when the drive is started.
5 Operation