General infor – Steffes 1003 User Manual
Page 4

General Infor
General Infor
General Infor
General Infor
General Information
What is ETS?
What is ETS?
What is ETS?
What is ETS?
What is ETS?
Steffes ETS room heating units utilize off-peak electricity available during those times of the day or night
when the power company can supply you with electricity more economically. By using this off-peak elec-
tricity for heating, the power company may offer you a special incentive such as a reduced electric rate, an
off-peak heating rate, a time-of-use (TOU) rate, or monthly credits on your heating bill.
When off-peak hours are available, the room heating unit converts electricity to heat which is then stored in
its ceramic brick core. The ceramic brick core of the heater can store heat at varying levels depending upon
outdoor temperature, owner preference, utility peak conditions, and the requirements of the space being
heated. This stored heat becomes available for space heating needs as determined by the room temperature
sensor located in the heater. (An optional remote room temperature sensor is also available. Order item
Heating is accomplished radiantly and by a thermostatically controlled damper. Some radiant heat will be
given off by the heater's cabinet; however, most of the heating requirements in the area where the heater is
installed will be satisified by the heater's dampering system. When the room thermostat senses a need for
heat, the heater's damper will open. Heat is allowed to be extracted from the ceramic brick core to maintain
a constant, comfortable, room temperature.