Installing the heater – Steffes 2006 User Manual
Page 16

For cross reference to number coded components, refer to the Exploded View Diagram (Figure 18) and
Heater Parts List in the Owner
’s Manual.
____ 1.
De-energize the electrical circuit(s) feeding the heater. Place the control circuit board (2) in the service
position by sliding it off its mounting screws and hooking it on these same screws using the eyelets provided
on the front of the mounting plate (1). Inspect all field installed electrical connections to ensure they are tight
and that all wires are routed correctly. Keep in mind that ETS devices run for long periods of time at high
electrical loads. Poor or marginal electrical connections will cause the connection to overheat and fail.
Class II (low voltage) wiring or any wiring not rated for line voltage should never be installed
in a line voltage area.
____ 2.
Check the damper system to ensure the damper operates freely and that there is no debris in this area which
could inhibit its operation. To do so, manually press the damper lever extending from the damper assembly
(34). Be careful not to bend the damper actuator (40). If the damper is not free, remove the blower and
clean any debris from that area.
____ 3.
Check the settings of the dip switches on the back of the control circuit board (2). In applications where the
heater is being controlled by the power line carrier transmitter, typically all dip switches will be set in the
“OFF” position. If using a hard wired outdoor temperature sensor for automatic charge control, set dip
switch 6 on the back of the circuit board (2) to the
“ON” position. With manual charge control, dip switch 6
must be set to the
“OFF” position. (The Supplemental Installer’s Guide provides more information on the
dip switches.)
If manual charge control is being utilized, the data in Location 19 (L19) must be set to d02. It
is the factory recommendation to also set the data in Location 7 (L07) to d02 so that both
room and brick core temperatures can be adjusted after the M button is pressed for a few
seconds. It may be necessary to unlock these locations to make the change. This is done by
changing the data in Location 39 (L39) to d20. Remember to reset the lock when adjustments
are complete.
____ 4.
Energize the heater and check blower (37) operation. If the blower is operating, adjust the room temperature
set point below the actual room temperature. To make certain the blower will start in low speed, set the room
temperature one degree above actual room temperature. To check to ensure the heater
’s blower will operate
in high speed, adjust the room temperature set point to at least five degrees above actual room temperature.
____ 5.
Set the heater to the charge mode and adjust the room temperature so the blower is operating. With a clamp-
on amp meter, check for proper amperage draw on the charging circuit(s). On Models 2002 and 2003, this is
done at B1 terminal block position. On Models 2004, 2005, and 2006, this is done by totalling the readings
from the B1 and R1 terminal block positions (30). Refer to the Unit Identification Label on the lower left
side panel of the heater for information on voltage and input wattage of the heater being installed. Use the
Charging Circuit Amperage Draw table on the next page for reference to the correct amperage for the
specific heater being installed.
Installing The Heater