Pfdas [rev mode] to ooloct th« raveroe mode, Pros» [cd, Prase [s rec/rtop] to stert reoordlng – Panasonic SC-AK28 User Manual
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LJ;L-r r^l^-^.-f
PrMS [ft D£CK 2 OPEN], and Jnaerl tho tatw.
Cfciee the hoUer by hand-
Tapa direction Is automeiticelly set to * * >'.
Pfdas [REV MODE] to ooloct th« raveroe mode.
Eva B 2 . : Oie side !s rsconjed, then roconfirig stops auto- meticalty. J Both $jdes (front side reveres side] ere recorded, Ihen recording stope sutormtlcslly, Pros» [CD]. Q □ iroen CD tn the tray. (Perfcnn steps D ^ B on page 1 ^, Press [{CD 1)" (CD 5}] to select ttie disc you vrsnL Prses^ P] vd stop playbaclr. Prase [s REC/RTOP] to stert reoordlng. • If you selected " CZD" In step Q, the directifln xvill automatically (iianse to " when reooidrng starts. « Tbs rsoordingviSpracsedfiom the first tiach on ths selected CD end vP oonuriijs on throLjgh ths bsi track ot the final • The tape ded( stops sulcfneflaBly when the CD Fs finished. To stop recording a To add a 4 second silent Interval befora stcpptig Press p]. The CD will stop automatically too. • To stop recoidlriig without a silent interval Press I# P e C/DTOP], The CO will stop autometioally too. To start recorftng on the revaree «Mo Load a taps end change the tape drecllon as Mows: 2. Press ['4] end imrnadlaieiy thereatter p]. The tape dliectloh wtll t« shown as“<“. To reoonl from a cpectfic point on a tape Before reconfing, sdMancs the tape to the point From where you want start cBcordta^ To roeord pfogrcmiiwod tracka 1 . Altar step Diprogiam the lmoKyouwf№l(pertonrt stops B.S0 on pegs 17). 2. Press [O RECF5TOP] to Start recoriSrig,
disc (pags 15).
1, Press [TAPE, DECK \i2\ and select taps deck 2.