Panasonic SC-AK28 User Manual
Operating instructions, Modal no
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CD Stereo System
Operating Instructions
Modal No.
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Table of contents
Document Outline
- CD Stereo System
- SC-AK18
- (For United Kingdom)
- □
- Conned th* AM loop antenna.
- Connect the speaker ceblea.
- Connect the AC maina laed.
- Pnss and hold f-l»SPM)EMO] unttl *‘N0 DEMO’’ ia dla- played.
- Press lAUTO OFFl,
- Prese I4)ISPM)EMa] to select the deelrsd spectrum analyzer,
- Frees [М1ЛтО],
- Prase p, TUNE MODE] to select “KHANUAL".
- If auto presetting la not fweeibte beeauae rado aigrato an weak erfor eofiw other raaeone, do the foloMng,
- Memory retention
- Adjust the volume levsL
- Press the пишете button to select the desired track
- Pi«ss[DI5C].
- Pspeet steps Q through B until you have programmed ay the tracks you want
- Press [^11/A].
- Thara ore 3 CDAracfc salectton modas.
- Press [CO MANAGER] to Mlact the dssiraci mode.
- towk.
- Praas [^Л1].
- Whan playback endi
- Ртам [TAPE, DECK 1Л1-
- Pnse DECK 1 OPEN] Of [d DECK 2 OPEN] and Ituart the ttpe,
- Prase [REV MODE] to select the reverse mode.
- Adjust the voluine level.
- Pfdas [REV MODE] to ooloct th« raveroe mode.
- Pros» [CD].
- Press [{CD 1)" (CD 5}] to select ttie disc you vrsnL
- Prase [s REC/RTOP] to stert reoordlng.
- Preas [CD hlANAGER] to «atoct the deelred mode.
- Press or to aalsct ttw dssired
- 0 HEAVY (sound quaHty)
- Dial [SOUND EQ] to display “hlANUAL".
- Adjust the sound quality.
- Press [!0PLAY/&REq.
- pogei»)
- Osaka 542-8Sad, Japan