Panasonic SC-AK28 User Manual

Page 15

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Elapeed playing tima
(Of current track mjmber]


!.%%j r n I

ij О _s Ti^-;

t i- V U I-

( □ d If s-'

Number of tracks

53 [S ЧЖЗ:Ш

H’j* ¿Л ^ ^

r. .’ ^ :U X ^ L

JOi<. .

Disc number

Total playlr^ lima

Ahtays atop the cbanger before loadng or changing CDs. Ycu carnet
change CDs while a disc la playing.

WU Press e [^] button.

"" The unit will cciTie on airtomaticalty end the Jray opens.

Set CD In the tray.

To oomlbue loading CDs In ttie othirtnye

Presa another [¿] button to open the required tra^.

TTie current tray doses and the selected |rey aidcmaticalty

Press the same [±] to ctoee the tray.

Press [(CD 1} - (CD 5}] to plsy your dasirod disc.

(If the desired CD ie rdlcated or> the display panel, №» same

operallor oan be accomplished by pressing [^Л1].)

Play girlll start from iTie first trecit cr the ййс arrd


Л1 contiiue

urttll the last track erf the final dtae ie played (eee below).

Ac^uBt the volume level.

To stop the disc ploy Q

FTeaa Р].

Whan ^ " appears on the display Q

It Indicates Ibeie are is or more irecNs on the disc In the playing

Dlec ^idkators

The d^ Incicatois 11^ vif>ef«ver Ihe tray Is In the playing positiori

whediEi it © loaded or nof.

wret ie mefmt by '‘find dlic'7
for exenTiple, V play starts fmm (fee 4. disc 3 vil be ths ^nai deef'.
Order of progression:

too 4’-*5-И

One touch play

II the unii Is Jn standby mode and a CD is loaded, preee [CD] or ((CO

'Hie ur4 will come on aiAomalfcafly aitd play will start.

To pauea

Preee [^iH] duritg playback.


lesiMTie payback, prese [►Л].

To eearch forward'

bapliHerd (Search)

Hold down (backward)
or [►►/►►1] (forward) during
playbadt or pause mode.

To skip forward


Presa [l^f'^e] (backward) or

(forward) fering

playback or pauM mode.

During random play (page 13), you oannot SUp lo tracks ebich
have already been played.

During pro^am play (page 17) or random play, you oan saarch

forward or beckweid only wHhin tbe current irejdi.

Duitig pro^m play, sHppIng Is ahvays in the prograrrtmed order,

whether (otviaid or backward.