A, t) – Panasonic DVD-A360A User Manual

Page 39

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CcirrpT^&ion of th9 scund’s dynamic mrtge and olher special
settings can be performed.

f At tti9 initial settings screen [on page 30)

Tilt the Joystick


▼) to select "9 Other

Settings” and press SELECT.


^ '2'Audli>Jlis^ff3âsrEh. .On'.

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Tilt the joystick (A^ T) to select the item

and press SELECT,

1 still Modsi

Select either'Reid still" or'Frame still" to prevent jitter­
ing or irnprcvc the video quality of small text or fire pat-
torrs in the still picture rroda.

2 Audio during Search:

To select 'Whether audio Is heard during search {ío^
ward direction} at the initial scan spaad or not.

S TV Mods (4:3):

To select whether tvlde-screen video material will be

played back In the pan and scan style or In the letter'
box style on a conventional Size TV.

4 D. (Dynamic) Range Comprsaelon:

To select the dynamic range during playback.

5 Sllll Picture Display:

To display the picture type, ], P or B in the still picture


6 NTSC Disc Output;

To select whether PAL 60 signals or mBC signals will
be output during playback of mSC discs.


Tilt the joy^lck

(A, T)

to select the setting

and prose SELECT.

When ^*1 Still Mods ' leaslsctad
1 Autoirtatic: 'Field still" and "Frame stilt" are automati­

cally selected In the still picture rrrode.

(Factory preaet)

2 Field:

'Reid stíH" Is always selected.

Select this setting when jittering occurs
when '1 Automatic' is selected.

3 Frame:

"Frame atJl* is always selected.

Select this setting when sma^ tent cr tine
patterns cannot be seen dearly when
"1 Automatic" is selecled.

When “2 Audio during Search" is selected
1 On: Audio will be heard during search at the Initial

scan speed. (Factory preaet)

2 Off: SeEect this setting when audio during search at

the Initial scan speed is net desired.

When "3 TV Mode (4:3)" is selected
1 Pan A Sean: Wlde'scraen video materiaf will be

played back In the pan and scan style
on a conventional size TV.

(Factory prase)]
■Video materiel net Idrrnattsd in the

pan and scan style will be played back
In the letterbox style. (Sea page 42.)

Z Letterbox:

Wide-screen video materia] will be

played back In ihe letterbox style on a
conventional size TV.

When "4 D. (Dynamic) Range Dcmpreeelon" le selected
1 Off: NoTmal cOidio range is eelected. (Factory preset)
2 On: Select this setting to enjoy dynamic sound allow

va luma.
Dynamic range Is the difference in volume be­
tween the quietest ar>d loudest ecunds. Dynamic
Compression limits level for listening at low vol­
ume. This Is useful late at night
This iunctlon only works with Dolby Digital

(AC-3) DVD.

When “5 Still Picture Display" is selected


0№ The picture type (l,^P/B) will not be displayed on

the TV screen in the still picture mode.

(Faclcry preset)

2 Ort: The picture type (l,T^/9] will t>e displayed on the

TV screen in the still picture mode.

Since l-PIctura features the best picture quality,
It is recommended that the screen be frozen with

l-Picture when the picture quality ie to be ad­


When “6 NTSC Disc Output" Is selected
1 PAL 6Û: During playback of NTSC discs, PAL 60 sig­

nals will be output. (Factory preset)
Select this setting when the player Is con­
nected to a PAL TV which 1s capable c! r^
oelvlng PAL 526/60 system,


During playback of NTSC discs, NTSC sig­

nals will be output.
Select this setting when the player is con­
nected to a Mulll-eystem TV.

The screen Illustrated in siep 1 is dlsplaysd. Select 'O" w№ the
joystick ( A, T) and press SELECT to return to the initial set­
tings screen.