Panasonic DVD-A360A User Manual

Page 15

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background image

The disc tray is autcmaticalty closed and play begins,

♦When iha disc tray is closed by pressing OPEN/CLOSE,

press PLAY (b slari play,

•When a menu screen appears on the TV monitor

In the case of many movie
DVOs, an Interactive DVD or

Video CD with playback control,

a menu screen appears or the
TV monitor. Perform step 5 to
start play,

{Eirample of DVD)

5 Tilt the joystick (A, T,

M ,

and press

SELECT, or press the numeric buttons, to

select the item.

•The Joystick Is not effectìvs for selecting items for Video



C a s t l e s !



•„*____ ^ ♦ ?...«* >.»..♦ . J

Play of the selected item now begins.


While watching movies

•Setting to the pldune quaJity best suited to movie

. Pressing the player's CINEMA button will select the optimum

picture quality for movie programs {this sotting gives a gen­

tler feel to videos, prqducfng mors detail in darker scones

and helping to reduce rrcisa). (The button lights up in green.)

Pressing the same button again will restore the standard pic­

ture quality. (Alternatively, itie plclure quality of your choice

can be eat using the GUI screen. See “Digital piclura mode'
on pegs 21.]

•Raising dialogue volume

The volume lor the dialogue oan be raised by displaying the
GUi screen (tor player Information) end setting "Dialogue
Enhancer'' to “ON''. (See page 21,)

This setting lakes effect only for discs which are recorded
wfth Dolby Digital (AC-3]/dts (2 channel or over] and wHh the

dialogue contained In the oenira channel.

When tho menu continues onto another screen

After step 4 on page 14, press SKIP ().
•To return to the pravloua menu screen

Press SKIPihM).

•Due to the ciesign of some scftware tities, SKIP (i4e, ►►!)

may not always work. For operatfon, refer also to the jacket
of the disc concerned.









Pro« TITLE, MENU or RETURN (for DVD), or RETURN (for

Video CD),

Play is suspended, and the menu screen Is displayed.

•The buttons may not work depending on the disc used.

After operation

When the player la not in use, remove the disc and press



to sel the player to the standby mode-

The player ie automatically sat to the star>dby mode after

30 minutes or so have elapeed in the stop mode.

(Auto power-off function)

What Is playback control?

If a Video CD has ‘playback control" written on Its disc or

jacket, it means that partfcuiar scenes or Information can

be selacted tor viewing Interactively wfth the TV rnonltor
using the menu screen.

♦The disc continues to rotate while the rnenu is displayed

even after the player has finished playing a particular item.

When no further eelecttons are to be played, be sure to praea

STOP to clear the menu display.

•If the disc Is put in upside down (and it ie a single sided disc),

the FU display will Indicate “NO PLAV*.

•iiAlhen the NTSC DVDAfIdeo CD Is played, the playback pic­

ture may roll up or down on some TVs; adjust this using the
V-HOLD control on the TV, TVs not equiped with a V-HOiD
ocmtrol cannot correct this condition. The playback picture

may shrink vertically and black bars may appear both orr the

top and bottom of the screen, or the picture may be in black
end white. This does not indicate a rnatfunction.

For your raferanoe:
•tfl/hen 0 appears on the TV monitor when a button is

pressed, the operation Is prohibited by the player or disc.



Press STOP during playr

RESUME function

The player records the point whore STOP was pressed during

play. flashes on the player’s FL display when this function
is activated.

•Press PLAY again while "^" Is flashing, and play wfll reeums

from this point.

•When the tray is opened or STOP Is pressed again while

is fiaehing, the RESUME function will be cleared.

The RESUME furxrtton works only wfth titles for which the
elapsed playing Erme appears an the players FL display during

This feature remains active If the player is set to the standby

made and than turned back ON.

Chapter review function (DVD oniy)

When PLAY fs pressed while

is flashing, ttie message

shosvn on the right Is briefly dis­

Press PLAY la Chspfsr. Review

If PLAY is pressed again while lha above message is dis­

played on the screen, the first few seconds of each chapter

from the beginning of the title up to the point where operation
was stopped will be played. This makee it possible to review

previous chapters. Nomnal playback will commence from the
point where operation was stopped.


•Cancelling the RESUME function will also clear the chapter

review functlw,

•The chapter review fimctton rrray not work with some Di/Ds.



• * '.

^ ".

