Markers configuration, Dme configuration, Gps and nav display order configuration – Dynon Avionics EFIS-D10A Installation Guide User Manual

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Markers Configuration

The HS34 supports markers input via ARINC or the 3 discrete Inner, Middle, and Outer mark
If your NAV radio outputs ARINC data whose stream contains marker information, set the
SOURCE to either ARINC1 or ARINC2. ARINC1 corresponds to the ARINC-429


RX 1 A and

nd B

menu is set to GAMA NAV.

If you have a device which outputs marker data via 3 discrete signals, set the SOURCE to
MRKR PINS. Ensure that your device’s Outer, Middle, and Inner outputs are connected to the

d to

e 3


code “dot-dashes”), and Inner (Morse code “dots”) markers. Set


ARINC or the single DME

the corresponding INPUT1 or INPUT2

29 menus.

to. In this

menu, you may change the order that each NAV input occurs within the NAV portion of cycle. If
you do not see all expected NAV radios, verify that all settings are accurate in the ANALOG,
SERIAL, and ARINC-429 menus. Press DOWN▼ or UP▲ to select the input that you wish to

B inputs (female DB25, pins 11 and 23). ARINC2 corresponds to the ARINC-429 RX 2 A a
inputs (female DB25, pins 10 and 22). You must also ensure that the corresponding INPUT1 or
INPUT2 parameter in the ARINC-429

HS34’s male DB25 pins 22, 23, and 24, respectively. Marker beacon receivers use a variety of
techniques to output the 3 marker signals. Because of this, you may need to experiment with the
PULL-UP and ACTIVE WHEN parameters. As a general rule of thumb, if the schematic for
your receiver shows the 3 discrete outputs connected to lights whose other side is connecte
power, set PULL-UP to Y and ACTIVE WHEN to LOW. Likewise, if the schematic shows th
discrete outputs connected to lights whose other side is connected to ground, set PULL-UP to
Regardless the input type used, you can configure the HS34 to output tones for Outer (Morse
code “dashes”), Middle (Morse
TONES ACTIVE to Y to configure the HS34 to output the tones for each of the 3 markers. Set
to N to configure the HS34 to have no audible marker feedback.

DME Configuration

The HS34 supports Distance Measuring Equipment receiver input via
Analog In pin (female DB25, pin 6).
If you have connected a DME receiver which outputs ARINC data, set the SOURCE to either
ARINC1 or ARINC2. ARINC1 corresponds to the ARINC-429 RX 1 A and B inputs (female
DB25, pins 11 and 23). ARINC2 corresponds to the ARINC-429 RX 2 A and B inputs (female
DB25, pins 10 and 22). You must also ensure that
parameter in the ARINC-429 menu is set to DME.
If you have connected a DME receiver to the HS34’s DME Analog In pin, set the SOURCE to

GPS and NAV Display Order Configuration

Pressing the NAV SRC button on the HS34 cycles through the available NAV sources in the
following order: DG, NAV1, NAV2, etc., GPS1, GPS2, etc. Of course, the numbers of NAVs
and GPSs in the cycle depend on how many of each type are configured in the ANALOG,
If you have configured more than one input to receive NAV radio data, enter the NAV ORDER
menu to see the list of configured NAV radios and the HS34 inputs they are connected