Pre-select configuration, Mode clearing configuration – Dynon Avionics EFIS-D10A Installation Guide User Manual
Page 71

Installation and Configuration
EFIS-D10A Installation Guide
Pushing the VALUE knob without first rotating it cycles through the remaining modes
(not chosen by FIRST ACTION above). Pushing the VALUE knob cycles through thes
modes in the order BARO, ALT, H
In the -BUGS- section of the AP74/76 SETTING
G or TRK buttons are pushed on the AP74, the HDG/TRK
When the ALT button is pushed on the AP74,
current altitude. When the autopilot is engaged, the
e AP
lears the active
AV) and/or pitch mode (ALT) lights lit on the AP74. You may, of course, switch to new modes
prior to re-engaging the AP. If you select YES, the AP disarms all modes upon disengaging the
AP, turning off all mode lights on the AP74. You must then select the active modes prior to re-
engaging the AP (although if no modes are pre-armed, pressing the AP button causes the HDG
mode to be engaged by default).
Clearing modes on disengage is most useful when used in conjunction with the ON MODE
ARM pre-select configuration above. This forces you to explicitly enable (and thus synchronize)
the modes you wish the autopilot to control when you press the AP button.
The default value for this setting is NO, leaving all modes pre-armed after turning off the AP.
If there is no further action (either a knob push or knob rotation) within 5 seconds, the
pop-up window automatically closes.
S menu, you can choose when the heading and
tud bugs should be synchronized to their respective current values:
ON ENGAGE: The HDG and ALT bugs are synchronized to the heading and altitude
values each time the AP is engaged (via the AP button on the AP74 or in the EFIS AP
menu). This is the default setting.
ON MODE ARM: The HDG and ALT bugs are synchronized when their respective
mode is armed. When the HD
bug is synchronized to the current heading.
the ALT bug is synchronized to the
bug settings are not modified. This allows you to enter a desired heading and/or altitud
prior to engaging the AP.
NEVER: The HDG and ALT bugs are never automatically modified by turning on th
or changing AP modes. Be aware that the bugs are highly likely to be set far away from
the current heading and altitude at the time of AP engagement; this will result in the AP
immediately commanding a turn and a climb or descent at time of engage. When
using this mode, we recommend that you verify the EFIS’ bugs settings prior to
EVERY Autopilot engag
In the –CLEAR MODES– section, you can configure whether the autopilot c
modes (HDG, TRK, or NAV; and ALT) on AP disengage. If you select NO, the AP leaves the
mode(s) pre-armed when the AP is off. This leaves the last-used roll mode (HDG, TRK, or