Airspeed tape, digital readout, and trend – Dynon Avionics EFIS-D10A Pilots Users Guide User Manual
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pointing arrows are left. Depending on your installation and configuration, an audible alarm may also occur when near or
in the stall. This audio alarm is accompanied by a flashing red triangle at the top of the AOA display. To judge when a
stall will occur, remember that the AOA indicator is showing actual AOA, and the stall AOA changes with
configuration. Because of this, a stall could occur anywhere inside the yellow range, but will occur at the same point
every time given a specific configuration. Refer to the EFIS-D10A Installation Guide for more information on
calibrating the AOA indicator.
Airspeed tape, digital readout, and trend
The airspeed tape scrolls beneath the airspeed digital readout and arrow. The digital readout’s digits scroll
up and down, simulating an analog airspeed indicator and giving a sense of the increase or decrease in
speed. The EFIS-D10A is factory-calibrated to be accurate for airspeeds between 15 and 325 knots (17 to
374 mph). As airspeed increases from 0 knots, the indicator becomes active at 20 knots. The indicator
remains active until airspeed drops below 15 knots. The EFIS-D10A may display airspeeds above 325 k
but it is not guaranteed to be accurate.
ndicate a 6-
The airspeed tape utilizes 4 colors to give you a graphical representation of your speed with relation to your
aircraft’s limits. By default all of the color thresholds are set at 0, causing a grey tape to be displayed. You
must set the values of the airspeed color thresholds via the SETUP menu. Refer to the EFIS-D10A
Installation Guide for more information on setting the airspeed color thresholds.
The airspeed trend indicator is located to the left of the airspeed tape. The magenta bar grows in the
direction of—and in proportion to—the rate of acceleration or deceleration. The trend indicator is scaled to i
second airspeed trend. In the example at right, the trend indicator is showing that the aircraft will reach 119 knots in 6
seconds if the rate of acceleration does not change.
EFIS-D10A Pilot’s User Guide