Dillon FI-80 User Manual
Page 7
1. All keys perform as described in the manual while in this mode.
Peak-Hold Operation
In Peak-Hold mode, the display updates as the load increases, but not as the load decreases.
LCD version
1. Press PEAK to enter peak hold mode. The “P” annunciator appears on the left side of the display
when PEAK HOLD mode is engaged and the value on screen is the peak value.
2. The
ZERO key clears the previously stored peak value and zeroes the indicator. Hint: To clear
the peak without rezeroing, press the PEAK key twice.
3. The
PRINT key operates as it does in the NORMAL OPERATING mode.
LED version
1. Press PEAK to enter peak hold mode. The PEAK LED is lit when PEAK HOLD mode is engaged
and the value on screen is the peak value.
2. The
ZERO key clears the previously stored peak value but does not zero the indicator. Hint: If
rezero is required, enter Live display mode, zero and return to Peak display
3. The
NET/GROSS and TARE keys are locked out function in this mode.